

Send and receive data.


credentialssets credentials policy - one of ‘omit’, ‘same-origin’ or ‘include’same-origin
idrequired: id of submission for referral‘default’
refXPath reference pointing to the bound noderoot node of default instance
instanceid of instance when replace='instance'. Required when replace=‘instance’
intoXPath expr where to insert response nodes into
methodhttp methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, url-encoded-postGET
nonrelevanthandling of non relevant nodes during serialization. Can be one of ‘keep’, ’empty’ or ‘remove’remove
replaceone of ‘all’, ‘download’, ‘instance’, ’target’, ‘redirect’ or ’none’all
‘all’ - response replaces the viewport
‘download’ - save dialog is shown for response
‘instance’ - response replaces the instance given by the instance attribute or if not present the default instance
’target’ - response will be attached to element identified by target (CSS Selector syntax e.g. ‘#mydiv’)
‘redirect’ - use response as redirect url.
’none’ - response will be ignored.
serialization’none’ or ‘xml’ at this pointxml
targetselector in CSS selector syntax. valid only when replace is ’target’.
targetrefXPath pointing to target node when replace="instance"
validateBoolean to turn validator mode on/offtrue


submitdispatch before submission takes place
submit-errordispatched if the request returned an error
submit-donedispatched when submission was successfully completed

URL Schemes

Beside http, https Fore supports:

  • ’localStore:[key]’ to manage data in the browsers’ localstorage (supports ‘get’, ‘post’, ‘delete’ and ‘consume’ methods
  • ‘#echo’ to echo back whatever got sent
