

Holds the data of the model. A fx-model may have as many fx-instance elements as necessary.


credentialssets credentials policy - one of ‘omit’, ‘same-origin’ or ‘include’same-origin
idid of the instance for addressing in refsdefault
sharedboolean attribute to signal that the instance is shared with nested Fore elements
srcurl to load instance from via http get. This may have static params but cannot use dynamic parameters. See fx-submission for if required.
type‘xml’ or ‘json’ or ‘html’ are supported by nowxml
xpath-default-namespacenamespace to be used with unprefixed XPathesemtpy

Using multiple instances

When using multiple instances you must add an id attribute to each instance that is NOT the first in document order. The first is known as the default instance and doesn’t need an explicit id but can be accessed with instance() or `instance(‘default’).

You can still however add an id (e.g. ‘myCustomId’) if you like and instance() or instance('myCustomId') will return it.

Inline versus external data

A data structure can be given inline or be loaded via the src attribute. However there are important limitations of inline instances to be mentioned:

  • tagnames are not context-sensitive
  • There are no self-closing elements as in XML

If your require these features you have to create an external XML file and load it with the src attribute. This gives you a proper XML document.

The src attribute

When static data files shall be loaded you can use the src attribute which may also have some static attributes. However, as instance data can be accessed not before all have been loaded you cannot have dynamic parameters that refer to other nodes.

If that is required you have to use the fx-submission element and use a ‘get’ request with replace="instance" to load the data. The submission is then usually fired on model-construct-done. Examples can be found in the demos.

Shared instances

By adding an shared attribute to an <fx-instance> that instance is shared with nested <fx-fore> elements and can be accessed and mutated as usual.

This can be used if multiple nested Fore elements represent different views but you want to share some common data.

Another possible use case is to separate the model from the UI part and put them in different files for dynamic assembly at runtime (see documentation under ‘modularization’).

URI Schemes

In addition to ‘http’, ‘https’ further URI schemes are:

  • ‘#querystring’ will create a XML structure for the URL parameter of the page
  • ’localStore:[key]’ to read some data from browsers’ localstorage
