Action Elements

This chapter describes all Action elements.

Fore Actions

Action elements have no visual representation and are always hidden from view.

Common Attributes

The following attribues can be used on any Fore action element.

defaultAction‘perform’ (default) or ‘cancel’
delaydelay before action is executed in milliseconds.
eventthe event name this action is listening to
ifboolean XPath expression. Action is only executed if this returns true.
iterateXPath expression selecting a set of nodes to iterate over
phase‘default’ or ‘capture’
propagate‘stop’ or ‘continue’ (default)
targetid of element to attach to or special values ‘#window’ and ‘#document’
whileboolean XPath expression. Action is only executed if ìf and while return true.

Common Events

action-performeddispatched after execution of an action
while-performeddispatched after execution of a while loop