Fore Elements

Fore Elements are a set of Web Components that allow to build feature-complete HTML-driven applications.

It can be used to build small components or large and complex applications.

All Fore component use the prefix ‘fx-’ to identify them as a related set of Web Components.

Fore elements allow to perform all various tasks that are needed for a full state-driven application like (not limited to):

  • loading and holding data
  • sending and receiving data
  • applying constraints to data
  • changing of data
  • data-binding controls

All functionality is fully available without writing any JavaScript.

Elements fall into 3 categories:

  • Model Elements
  • UI Elements
  • Action Elements

Model Elements

Fore uses a model to hold all data sources, data-constraints, calculations and submissions.

The model (fx-model) is a ‘blind’ element. It does not appear on screen.

UI Elements

Fore UI Elements are generic - they allow to bind a part of an HTML page to data being hold by fx-instance elements.

They wrap the actual controls they are bound to. The many examples show how this is done.

Action Elements

With Actions you can insert or delete data, change values, show/hide dialogs etc.

Actions that update data will automatically trigger the necessary updates of the UI and keep the model in sync.