
A defined lifecycle is essential for consistent and efficient processing of state changes during the lifetime of a <fx-fore> element.

The diagram below might read a bit complex at first sight but pretty much touches all important areas of Fore and might be a useful read for the interested developer.

Initialization of Fore

sequenceDiagram autonumber participant Fore participant Model participant Instances participant Bindings participant UI Note over Fore: find or generate Model activate Model Fore->>Model: modelConstruct() loop Model->>Instances: init() end Instances-->>Model: instance-loaded activate Model Model->>Model: rebuild() loop Model->>Bindings: init() activate Bindings Bindings->>Model: ModelItems deactivate Bindings end deactivate Model Model->>Model: recalculate() Model->>Model: revalidate() Model-->>Fore: modelConstructDone activate Fore Fore->>Fore: initUI() loop Fore->>UI: refresh() activate UI UI->>UI: updateState deactivate UI end Fore-->>Fore: refresh-done Fore-->>Fore: ready deactivate Fore deactivate Model
  1. When a <fx-fore> element gets connected, it will wait for all children to be connected and then call modelConstruct() on the <fx-model> element to kick off the initialization process. If no <fx-model> is present one will be created. A model-construct event will be emitted.
  2. The model will look for all <fx-instance> elements within its child elements and call init() for each of them. This might involve loading data from an URL.
  3. A instance-loaded event will be dispatched for each instance once it’s loaded.
  4. During rebuild() the model will build its dependency graph by inspecting all <fx-bind> elements within the model.
  5. For each data node a ref attribute is pointing to a ModelItem object is created that holds the state of the data node. By inspecting the calculate, constraint, readonly, relevant and required attributes of a Bind the dependencies between data nodes are detected and added to the Main Dependency Graph (MDG).
  6. ModelItems will be registered in a map object in the Model. The data node itself will be the key to the ModelItem state object.
  7. recalculate() evaluates all calculate attributes in the order given by the MDG.
  8. revalidate() evaluates all constraint, readonly, relevant and required attributes to determine the validity of a ModelItem.
  9. model-construct-done event is emitted and catched by <fx-fore> element.
  10. Fore executes initUI which will find all bound elements within the scope of the <fx-fore> element.
  11. Call refresh() for each of them.
  12. Synchronize UI element state with ModelItem state by evaluating binding expression, fetching ModelItem object from Model and applying the relevant changes to a control.
  13. Fore dispatches a refresh-done event once all UI elements have been refreshed
  14. Fore dispatches a ‘ready’ event