The fx-load action

The load action fetches some content from a URL. As the URL may contain template expressions it will be fully dynamic and work in context of its usage.

Responses can

Using an idref

IDs will be resolved automatically when used in a repeat.

Here the load fires on 'ready' event and inlines the loaded content.

Replacing current browser tab with content

Leaving out the attach-to attribute will default to using '_blank' as default target. This will replace the current window with the content loaded from URL.

Opening new browser tab with content

By using '_blank' for the attach-to attribute a new browser window will be opened with the content.

Replacing current browser tab with confirmation

The load action also respects the show-confirmation attribute and will ask for confirmation if data have changed before replacing the current tab.

Control loading of content with template element

Sometimes you want to control WHEN a certain snippet comes into life. In that situations you can wrap that content into an HTML template element which will make it inert (browser ignores it). When fx-load is triggered it will clone the template and attach it to the DOM.

This either makes sure you don't pay the cost of loading content you probably don't need and you can be sure that Fore is initialized before children can act.

It's also suitable to control the sequence of content loaded into the page.

Done another way

Here the first event will dispatch an event to the second control once it has done it's loading.

Deferring a nested Fore

By loading a fx-fore element from a template you can lazy-load a complete subsection of external Fore markup.